Lecture 3: Aboriginal Justice: The Story of Family Group Conferences in New Zealand and Elsewhere
Quotes from “Children, Young Persons, and Their Families Act of 1989”:
“An Act to reform the law relating to children and young persons who are in need of care or protection or who offend against the law and, in particular,—
(a) To advance the wellbeing of families and the wellbeing of children and young persons as members of families, whanau, hapu, iwi, and family groups:
(b) To make provision for families, whanau, hapu, iwi, and family groups to receive assistance in caring for their children and young persons:
(c) To make provision for matters relating to children and young persons who are in need of care or protection or who have offended against the law to be resolved, wherever possible, by their own family, whanau, hapu, iwi, or family group…”
Suggested Readings and Videos:
Allan MacRae and Howard Zehr, The Little Book of Family Group Conferences: New Zealand Style (New York: Good Books): 10-25.
Te Kōti Rangatahi and Pasifika Court by New Zealand Ministry of Justice.
Family Group Conferencing by Ma Mawi Chi Itata Centre.