“Judaism Says Yes to IVF and PGD” by Michael J. Broyde

Image by Fernando Zhiminaicela from Pixabay (License). This article is part of our “Religious Perspectives on Assisted Reproduction and Surrogacy” series. If you’d like to explore other articles in this series, click here. The Jewish ethical perspective on in vitro fertilization (IVF) provides a nuanced view that balances the value of life, the importance of having a family,

“Gestational Surrogacy and Hindu Bioethics: The Karma of Genetics and the Genetics of Karma” by Deepak Sarma

Image by Mariya Popovich from Pixabay This article is part of our “Religious Perspectives on Assisted Reproduction and Surrogacy” series. If you’d like to explore other articles in this series, click here. While a great deal has already been written about cross-racial surrogacy and surrogacy in India, there are, however, no significant or credible studies concerning gestational surrogacy from