“Freedom of Thought and Conscience and the Challenges of AI” by Andrea Pin

Artificial General Intelligence Illustration by David S. Soriano (CC BY-SA 4.0). The capacity to spread misinformation, manipulate people, and persuade them to believe or act in a certain way has been one of the main preoccupations that led to calls for stopping the development of artificial intelligence. The use of social networks to recruit religious

Law, African Religion, and Environmentalism by Ikechukwu Anthony Kanu

Mazah Hills, Jos, Nigeria. Photo by Victor Salami Oyale (CC BY-SA 4.0). In 2022, I was invited by Harvard Divinity School at Cambridge for a  conference titled “Ecological Spiritualities” to present my paper, on African eco-spirituality. While preparing the paper with a focus on the Indigenous experience, I carried out a survey which revealed that, although several

“Historic Houses of Worship in Peril: Conserving Their Place in American Life” By Thomas Edward Frank

Historic Houses of Worship in Peril: Conserving Their Place in American Life By Thomas Edward Frank This excerpt from Historic Houses of Worship in Peril: Conserving Their Place in American Life is an introduction to our virtual conference, “Religion, Property Law, and the Crisis of Houses of Worship.” View selected videos and browse all essays

“The Bishops, President Biden, and American Catholic Politicians: An Uneasy Relationship” by Charles J. Russo

Photo by Ramaz Bluashvili. Historical Context A timely, significant topic of discussion worth remembering, stretching back to presidential candidate John F. Kennedy’s battle against anti-Catholic prejudice, is the relationship between politicians and their faith leaders. This relationship, particularly involving politicians who are Roman Catholic, is the focus of this article. In his September 12, 1960,

“Human Struggle: Christian and Muslim Perspectives” by Mona Siddiqui

Human Struggle: Christian and Muslim PerspectivesMona Siddiqui In this section from chapter two of Human Struggle: Christian and Muslim Perspectives, Professor Siddiqui compares how Abu Hamid al-Ghazali and Rainer Maria Rilke wrote ‘letters’ to a younger student in which both men express their intellectual restlessness and search for faith, meaning and salvation. Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali

“Quarantines, Religious Groups, and Some Questions About Equality” by Christopher Lund

Photo of cells by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Public Domain) A virtual conference organized in partnership with Brigham Young University Law School, Emory University Law School, Notre Dame Law School, St. John’s University School of Law, and the Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law. View the full video and browse all essays here.

“Slaughterhouses as Sites of Exception” by Joanna Smith

Photo of cells by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Public Domain) A virtual conference organized in partnership with Brigham Young University Law School, Emory University Law School, Notre Dame Law School, St. John’s University School of Law, and the Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law. View the full video and browse all essays here.

“Revival Statutes, Clergy Sexual Abuse, and COVID-19” by Patrick Hornbeck

Photo of cells by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Public Domain) A virtual conference organized in partnership with Brigham Young University Law School, Emory University Law School, Notre Dame Law School, St. John’s University School of Law, and the Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law. View the full video and browse all essays here.

“Commemorating Lives Lost in Times of Pandemic and Protest” by Angela C. Carmella

Photo of cells by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Public Domain) A virtual conference organized in partnership with Brigham Young University Law School, Emory University Law School, Notre Dame Law School, St. John’s University School of Law, and the Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law. View the full video and browse all essays here.

“Religious Exceptions to COVID Vaccine Mandates” by Doriane Lambelet Coleman

Photo of cells by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Public Domain) A virtual conference organized in partnership with Brigham Young University Law School, Emory University Law School, Notre Dame Law School, St. John’s University School of Law, and the Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law. View the full video and browse all essays here.