“Human Rights Claims and the Orthodox in America” by A. G. Roeber

Human Rights Claims and the Orthodox in AmericaA. G. Roeber The following is an adapted excerpt from A.G. Roeber’s new book, “Orthodox Christians and the Rights Revolution in America.” With permission from Fordham University Press, 2024. As a reader who has come this far now will recognize, answering Witte’s and Alexander’s query about how the

“Ukraine’s Religious Persecution” by Lawrence A. Uzzell

Photo of Ukrainian Flag from Pixabay Religious freedom is ominously shrinking in Ukraine. Unlike Moscow, post-Soviet Kiev used to tolerate the various rival Eastern Orthodox Christian jurisdictions. But Kiev is now blatantly persecuting the UOC (Ukrainian Orthodox Church), favoring the OCU (Orthodox Church of Ukraine). Ukraine’s parliament has passed the first reading of a bill

“Dissenting Voices: Unveiling Complexity in the Russian Orthodox Church’s Stance on the Ukraine Conflict” by Evgeniia Muzychenko

Picture of a dome at the Cathedral of Peter and Paul, Petergof, Russia. Taken by Author. Expressing the position of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) regarding the conflict in Ukraine, the media predominantly concentrates on the stance articulated by Patriarch Kirill, a longtime ally of Russian president Vladimir Putin. In his capacity as the head