“Can Faith-Based Schools Retain Their Traditional Religious Values in a Changing World?” by Charlie Russo and Keith Thompson 

Picture by Mostafa Meraji (CC BY-SA 4.0) Contemporary efforts to regulate religious schools are unjust and bound to fail. Emerging legislation in Australia and the ongoing judicial controversy in the United States over the freedom of officials in faith-based schools to hire staff and admit students who share their values present serious challenges to educators in

“The Unmelting Lebanese National Pot” by Imad Salamey

Picture by Pawal Czerwinski on Unsplash. Post-colonial Middle Eastern states have failed to achieve national secularization and homogenisation. Nation-building has been obstructed by prevalent transnational communal affiliations. In Lebanon, a power-sharing consociational arrangement preserved the autonomy of sectarian groups in a loose national union. A communitocracy is formed to protect group plurality against forced national

“The Rise and Fall of Church-State Separation” by Damon Mayrl

Photographs in the Carol M. Highsmith Archive, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. This article is part of our “Kennedy, Carson, and Dobbs: Law and Religion in Pressing Supreme Court Cases” series.If you’d like to check out other articles in this series, click here. For the past 60 years, American education has been governed by

“Remedies for Religious Persecution in China: An International Human Rights Perspective” by Michelle Coleman

Picture by Danny D. on Unsplash. The Chinese government is waging an assault on religion. Millions of Christians, Muslims, and Buddhists are being subjected to arbitrary detention, forced labor, torture, and the destruction of religious buildings, books and artifacts. Can the international community do anything to stop these human rights violations and hold the perpetrators

The Bible and the Constitution: Of Monkeys, Babies and Original Intent by Larry W. Caldwell

In 1925, on Day 7 of the infamous “Scopes Monkey Trial” (The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes), defense attorney Clarence Darrow interrogated prosecuting attorney William Jennings Bryan on the witness stand. His purpose was to discredit Bryan’s (and many Protestants’) view that the original author of Genesis understood the six days of creation

“Why Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Persecuted?” by Mathew N. Schmalz

Picture by Jace Grandinetti on Unsplash. Since 2017, the Russian government has attempted to “liquidate” Jehovah’s Witnesses as a religious organization. Branding Jehovah’s Witnesses an “extremist” group akin to a terrorist organization, the Russian government has confiscated the organization’s property. Witnesses have been beaten and jailed.  This persecution has been condemned by the European Court

“The Universal Application of Laws is Never Equal: Antisemitism in U.S. Law” by Mia Brett

“Klan display their robes at the U.S. Capitol: 1925” by Washington Area Spark (CC BY-NC 2.0 DEED). Until the Civil Rights movement in the twentieth century, courts interpreted laws as non-discriminatory if they applied equally to all, no matter their impact. Segregation, anti-miscegenation laws, and “Sunday Laws” were all constitutional because they all applied to

“‘Drawn from out of the very bowels of heaven and earth’: Natural Law and Discursive Politics in Richard Hooker” by Luke Zerra

Statue of Richard Hooker on Exeter Cathedral Close by Rob Brewer (CC BY-SA 2.0) Richard Hooker (1554-1600) is credited — alongside Thomas Cranmer — as the most important theologian of the English Reformation. The six books of his Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity issued a defense of the Elizabethan Church of England against more radical Protestants, calling for

“State and Non-State Violations of Religious Freedom and Implications for National Unity in Nigeria” by Dodeye Uduak Williams

Picture by Faseeh Fawaz on Unsplash. Nigeria is home to about 250 ethnic groups and culturally diverse communities with different religious affiliations, who speak over 500 different languages. The three dominant ethnic groups are the Hausa, Yoruba and Igbo. Nigerians practice Christianity, Islam or an indigenous religion. The country is divided almost equally between the

“Social Media, Free Speech, and Religious Freedom in Australia” by Colette Langos and Paul Babie

Parliament House in Canberra, Australia by Thannicke (CC BY-SA 4.0) Social media forms part of the fabric of 21st century global life. A form of speech, social media allows communication with a potentially vast audience. Unsurprisingly, many people use it to disseminate religious views or ideas. While such proselytising (as part of a broad freedom