Interactions Podcast

Interactions Podcast

The Interactions podcast, a podcast about the interactions between law and religion, is produced by the CSLR and distributed by Canopy Forum. New episodes now available.

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Australian Journal of Law & Religion Collaboration

Australian Journal of Law & Religion Collaboration

Canopy Forum and the Australian Journal of Law and Religion, are publishing a set of essays that address the impact of “nones”–individuals who do not identify with any particular religion–on law, politics, religion, and society.

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Ongoing Series

Ongoing Series

Our latest series include essays on Masking Religious Violations, Transnational Christian Nationalism, IVF and ART, and a collaboration with the journal, Derecho en Sociedad. Explore our latest series by scholars around the globe.

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“Masked Discrimination Against Vodou and Other African Diaspora Religions” by Danielle Boaz

Photo of Ohio, USA by Robert Conklin on Unsplash. This article is part of our virtual symposium and essay series, “Masking Religious Freedom Violations.” Read more here. How does one protect a faith that most people would not even recognize as a religion? How can religious freedom be guaranteed when the public struggles to separate

“Lessons Learned from Public Policy in Colombia to Identify Violations of Religious Freedom” by John Fredy Osorio Cardona

Photo of Cocora Valley, Colombia by Fernanda Fierro on Unsplash. This article is part of our virtual symposium and essay series, “Masking Religious Freedom Violations.” Read more here. Preliminary Contributions of Public Policy Colombia is one of the few countries worldwide with a public policy exclusively dedicated to ensuring the right to religious freedom. This

“Regulation of FoRB Rights by Organized Crime in Mexico: A Real Although Largely Overlooked Issue” by Teresa I. Flores

San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León by Mexico Fotos (CC BY SA 2.0). This article is part of our virtual symposium and essay series, “Masking Religious Freedom Violations.” Read more here. On October 20, 2024, two people on a motorcycle shot at priest Marcelo Perez Perez’s vehicle as he left the parish of Guadalupe, located

“Land is Kin” by Dana Lloyd

Land is KinDana Lloyd The following is a forward of Dana Lloyd’s book, Land Is Kin: Sovereignty, Religious Freedom, and Indigenous Sacred Sites (University Press of Kansas, 2023). “The struggle by American Indians to protect their sacred sites and to have access to them for traditional ceremonies is a movement in which all peoples should

“Religious Freedom in Ukraine: Can we move on from misleading election narratives?” by Dmytro Vovk and Elizabeth A. Clark

Maidan Nezalezhnosti in Kiev, Ukraine by Juan Antonio Segal (CC BY-SA 4.0). This article is part of our series on Transnational Christian Nationalism, and its impact on politics, the rule of law, and religious freedom. If you’d like to explore other articles in this series, click here. Post-election, no one in the U.S. or abroad is entirely

“Lifting the Mask on Undetected Religious Freedom Violations” by Dennis P. Petri

Costa Rican Pacific Coast, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0) This article is part of our virtual symposium and essay series, “Masking Religious Freedom Violations.” Read more here. In 2006, Brian Grim and Roger Finke noted that religion was largely absent from international quantitative studies, partly due to a lack of high-quality data. Today, this gap

“Abortion, IVF, and the Moral Status of the Embryo: The Missing Middle” by Karey Harwood

“Christ Blessing the Children” by Lucas Cranach the Younger (CC0 1.0). This article is part of our “Religious Perspectives on Assisted Reproduction and Surrogacy” series. If you’d like to explore other articles in this series, click here. In April 2024, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith issued Dignitas Infinita, the most recent articulation of Catholic doctrine

“Religious Diplomacy in the Organization of American States: Challenges for the Promotion of Religious Freedom in the Americas” by Marcela A. Bordón Lugo

Interfaith Harmony at the Department of World Religions and Culture by Monir Uddin Jowel (CC BY-SA 4.0) The following essay is reprinted and adapted on Canopy Forum in collaboration with the journal Derecho en Sociedad, a biannual electronic publication that is free and open access. Their issue 18(2) features full length articles in Spanish and English. Read Lugo’s long-form

“The Right, Edmund Burke, and Family Policy: Misappropriations of the “Little Platoon”” by Madeleine Armstrong

Oil painting portrait of Edmund Burke by James Barry (Public Domain) This article is part of our series on Transnational Christian Nationalism, and its impact on politics, the rule of law, and religious freedom. If you’d like to explore other articles in this series, click here. At the annual gala of The American Conservative magazine in Washington,

“The Rise of the Christian Right in Europe” By Gionathan Lo Mascolo and Kristina Stoeckl

Viktor Orbán, Hungary by Elekes Andor (CC BY-SA 4.0) This article is part of our series on Transnational Christian Nationalism, and its impact on politics, the rule of law, and religious freedom. If you’d like to explore other articles in this series, click here. In recent decades, Europe has witnessed the emergence of the Christian Right as