Interactions Podcast

Interactions Podcast

The Interactions podcast, a podcast about the interactions between law and religion, is produced by the CSLR and distributed by Canopy Forum. New episodes now available.

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Australian Journal of Law & Religion Collaboration

Australian Journal of Law & Religion Collaboration

Canopy Forum and the Australian Journal of Law and Religion, are publishing a set of essays that address the impact of “nones”–individuals who do not identify with any particular religion–on law, politics, religion, and society.

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Ongoing Series

Ongoing Series

Our latest series include essays on Masking Religious Violations, Transnational Christian Nationalism, IVF and ART, and a collaboration with the journal, Derecho en Sociedad. Explore our latest series by scholars around the globe.

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“Commemorating Lives Lost in Times of Pandemic and Protest” by Angela C. Carmella

Photo of cells by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Public Domain) A virtual conference organized in partnership with Brigham Young University Law School, Emory University Law School, Notre Dame Law School, St. John’s University School of Law, and the Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law. View the full video and browse all essays here.

“Religious Liberty in a Pandemic: Constitutional Challenges to Mass Gathering Bans” by Caroline Mala Corbin

Photo of cells by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Public Domain) A virtual conference organized in partnership with Brigham Young University Law School, Emory University Law School, Notre Dame Law School, St. John’s University School of Law, and the Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law. View the full video and browse all essays here.

“Hands-Off Religion in the Early Months of COVID-19” by Samuel J. Levine

Photo of cells by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Public Domain) A virtual conference organized in partnership with Brigham Young University Law School, Emory University Law School, Notre Dame Law School, St. John’s University School of Law, and the Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law. View the full video and browse all essays here.

“Conflicts Between Religious Liberty and the New Public Health” by Jeffrey B. Hammond and Michael J. DeBoer

Photo of cells by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Public Domain) A virtual conference organized in partnership with Brigham Young University Law School, Emory University Law School, Notre Dame Law School, St. John’s University School of Law, and the Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law. View the full video and browse all essays here.

“Religious Exceptions to COVID Vaccine Mandates” by Doriane Lambelet Coleman

Photo of cells by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Public Domain) A virtual conference organized in partnership with Brigham Young University Law School, Emory University Law School, Notre Dame Law School, St. John’s University School of Law, and the Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law. View the full video and browse all essays here.

“Ancestor Worship, Living Trees, and Free Exercise in the Australian Constitution” by Paul T. Babie

Photo by Stephan Müller on Pexels This article is part of our “Law, Religion, and the Constitutionalism” series.If you’d like to check out other articles in this series, click here. The Australian Constitution, an Act of the Imperial United Kingdom Parliament which came into force in 1901, contains a seemingly comprehensive protection for religious freedom,

“REVIEW: Church Laws and Ecumenism edited by Norman Doe” by John Witte, Jr.

Church Laws and Ecumenism: A New Path for Christian Unity edited by Norman Doe Review by John Witte, Jr. Law is the backbone of Christian ecclesiology and ecumenism. That is the central message of this collection of well-written and well-integrated chapters on church law by scholars of a dozen global Christian churches. And that has

“The Beauty of Disobedience” by Stephen S. Bush

Photo by Teemu Paananen on Unsplash Political Beauty On June 27, 2015, ten days after a white supremacist shot and killed nine African Americans at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal church in Charleston, South Carolina, Bree Newsome Bass began pulling herself up a thirty-foot tall flag pole at the South Carolina State Capitol. With the

“Representation and Whiteness among the ‘Spiritual but not Religious'” by Dr. Amanda Lucia

Yoga class, Lightning in a Bottle, 2016 / Photo courtesy of author. When I was conducting research for my new book I spent nine years in multiple field sites with people who largely identified as “spiritual but not religious” (SBNR). These people were seeking expansive spiritual experiences, and I followed them through networks of transformational

“REVIEW: The Cambridge Companion to the First Amendment and Religious Liberty” by Breidenbach and Anderson

The Cambridge Companion to the First Amendment and Religious Liberty edited by Michael D. Breidenbach and Owen Anderson Review by Lael Weinberger Religious liberty has been the subject of lots of debates over the course of American history. The founding period saw debates about state establishments. The nineteenth century was marked by the public-school “Bible