“Religious Covenants on Former Church Property” by Patrick E. Reidy

Photo of a church in Iceland by Ludo-Photos (CCO) A virtual conference sponsored by Canopy Forum and the Center for the Study of Law and Religion at Emory (CSLR) featuring scholars, experts and practitioners who will examine issues facing religious congregations, neighborhoods, towns, and cities where houses of worship are falling into disrepair or vacancy. View selected videos and browse all

“Pluralism and the Future of Religious Property” by Whittney Barth

Photo of a church in Iceland by Ludo-Photos (CCO) A virtual conference sponsored by Canopy Forum and the Center for the Study of Law and Religion at Emory (CSLR) featuring scholars, experts and practitioners who will examine issues facing religious congregations, neighborhoods, towns, and cities where houses of worship are falling into disrepair or vacancy. View selected videos and browse all

“Houses of Worship after Closure and Sale: Recognizing the Enduring ‘Readability’ of Religious Meaning” by Angela C. Carmela

Photo of a church in Iceland by Ludo-Photos (CCO) A virtual conference sponsored by Canopy Forum and the Center for the Study of Law and Religion at Emory (CSLR) featuring scholars, experts and practitioners who will examine issues facing religious congregations, neighborhoods, towns, and cities where houses of worship are falling into disrepair or vacancy. View selected videos and browse all

“Closing Congregations: On the Hunt for Patterns” by Wendy Cadge, Muna Güvenç, and Feigele Lechtchiner

Photo of a Church in Iceland by Ludo-Photos (CCO) A virtual conference sponsored by Canopy Forum and the Center for the Study of Law and Religion at Emory (CSLR) featuring scholars, experts and practitioners who will examine issues facing religious congregations, neighborhoods, towns, and cities where houses of worship are falling into disrepair or vacancy. View selected videos and browse all

“A New Vision for American Houses of Worship” by Thomas Frank and Rick Reinhard

Photo of a Church in Iceland by Ludo-Photos (CCO) A virtual conference sponsored by Canopy Forum and the Center for the Study of Law and Religion at Emory (CSLR) featuring scholars, experts and practitioners who will examine issues facing religious congregations, neighborhoods, towns, and cities where houses of worship are falling into disrepair or vacancy. View selected videos and browse all

“Politics and Religion in Cuba and Nicaragua” by Dennis P. Petri

“Cristo Church, Havana, Cuba” by Roberts & Co., Havana (CC0). The Regulation of Religion in Communist Cuba Religious groups have been viewed with suspicion by the Cuban government for a long time, as they are seen as potential threats to the socialist state. This distrust has led to subtle forms of repression, such as surveillance

“Religion in State Education Policy” by Bryan Kelley

“In God We Trust” Plaque by USCapitol (CC0). Every year, state legislatures throughout the country introduce legislation that in some way brings together religion and the public education system. This is perhaps becoming more common, as state policymakers recognize the increasingly favorable precedents being put in place by the Supreme Court regarding the presence of

“The Intersection Between Religion and Inclusive K-12 Athletic Participation” by Suzanne Eckes

Image by Wutthichai Charoenburi (CC BY 2.0). Religious rights and civil rights sometimes collide in public schools. In earlier cases, religious rights arguments were sometimes used to maintain racial segregation in schools, which obviously conflicted with the rights of students of color. In later cases, students made religious freedom arguments to justify wearing racially insensitive

“Politics vs. Religion?: The Case of Nicaragua” by Teresa Flores

Managua Nicaragua Centroamérica by Hillsong7 (CC BY-SA 4.0). During crises or social conflicts in Nicaragua, the Catholic Church has served as a mediator and promoter of justice and peace. In countries with an authoritarian tendency such as Nicaragua, the Church’s support and guidance has been perceived as a threat to the government’s stability. In that

“Historic Houses of Worship in Peril: Conserving Their Place in American Life” By Thomas Edward Frank

Historic Houses of Worship in Peril: Conserving Their Place in American Life By Thomas Edward Frank This excerpt from Historic Houses of Worship in Peril: Conserving Their Place in American Life is an introduction to our virtual conference, “Religion, Property Law, and the Crisis of Houses of Worship.” View selected videos and browse all essays