Interactions Podcast

Interactions Podcast

The Interactions podcast, a podcast about the interactions between law and religion, is produced by the CSLR and distributed by Canopy Forum. Listen wherever you get your podcasts for article reads, roundtable discussions, and expert analysis.

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New Course on Restorative Justice

New Course on Restorative Justice

In this series of lectures, James W. McCarty delves into restorative justice as a dynamic global social movement seeking to transform harm. This course navigates the depths of encounter, dialogue, and storytelling as powerful tools of rehumanization.

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A Festschrift in Honor of John Witte, Jr.

A Festschrift in Honor of John Witte, Jr.

Read our series of adapted excerpts from the new book, Faith in Law, Law in Faith: Reflecting and Building on the Work of John Witte, Jr. Released this year, this collection is dedicated to honoring John Witte, Jr.'s legacy.

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“The Ordination of Transgender Candidates in the Church of England” by Christopher Grout

Cover image: Canterbury Cathedral in Canterbury, Kent, UK. Original image by Philipp Haegi licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0. Editors’ note: The terms ‘transgender’ and ‘transsexual’ have connotations that have changed over time and in different contexts. The author of this article uses terminology that is consistent with the sources and documents cited herein.   The Church of England (‘the Church’)

“Muslim Americans and Citizenship: Between the Ummah and the USA” by Saeed A. Khan

Can an individual truly be a citizen of a nation and simultaneously a global citizen? For the 1.8 million Muslims of the world, and especially the estimated 4 million in the United States, the question is deeper than simple political allegiance; it goes to the core of belonging and self-perception. Citizenship, whether as a political

“Locke’s Toleration in America” by Craig Walmsley

Cover image: Portrait of John Locke by Godfrey Kneller, 1697. Wikimedia Commons. A new Locke manuscript comes to light in the United States.  Philosophers have consequences – and few have been more consequential than John Locke (1632-1704). His Essay concerning Human Understanding (1689) was the first modern statement of empiricism, ranking alongside Newton’s Principia in significance

“Precedent in Doubt?: Brown v. Board of Education in Recent Judicial Confirmations” by M. Christian Green

Cover Image: Little Rock Nine Memorial. Little Rock, AR. Wikimedia Commons. We have witnessed a curious pattern emerging in many recent confirmation hearings for federal judicial nominees. Beginning first with the Senate confirmation hearings of nominee Wendy Vitter, recently appointed to a federal judgeship in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of

“Three Myths about Religion and Politics” (Part 3) by Elizabeth Shakman Hurd

This is Part 3 of a three-part series in which Elizabeth Shakman Hurd evaluates three common myths about U.S. foreign religion politics and policy. Read Part 1 and Part 2 here. Myth #3: Exceptionalism, American-style: Freedom at home, establishment abroad. The First Amendment of the US Constitution reads in part: “Congress shall make no law

“Three Myths about Religion and Politics” (Part 2) by Elizabeth Shakman Hurd

This is Part 2 of a three-part series in which Elizabeth Shakman Hurd evaluates three common myths about U.S. foreign religion politics and policy. Read Part 1 here. Myth #2: Religion used to be ignored in international affairs but it has returned. Things are looking up. Flourishing government religion bureaucracies reflect this coming to terms

“Three Myths about Religion and Politics” (Part 1) by Elizabeth Shakman Hurd

Photo by Steve Johnson on Pixabay Americans are often told that the U.S. government and its allies are working to stamp out the forces of intolerance around the world by promoting religious freedom and combatting violent extremism. I’ve always been baffled by these assertions. What do they mean? What does this look like in practice?

“What’s the Story with the First U.S. Court Case on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting?” by Kristina Arriaga

Photo by on FreePik United States v. Nagarwala should have marked the beginning of the end for female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in the United States. Instead, after two contentious years in court, the case unraveled when a federal judge dismissed most of the charges against the defendants. In his 28-page ruling, District Judge Bernard A. Friedman ruled