Reflecting on State Cooperation with Religion in Europe by Silvia Meseguer Velasco

Image of European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France on Wikimedia by CherryX (CC BY-SA 3.0). The following essay reflects on the monograph, Cooperación del Estado con la religión en Europa, written in Spanish by Silva Meseguer Velasco. The work is part of the Roots of Law collection of the Aranzadi publishing house, directed

“Why ‘School Choice’ is a Strange Term: Educational Pluralism and International Norms” by Ashley Rogers Berner

Why ‘School Choice’ is a Strange Term: Educational Pluralism and International NormsAshley Rogers Berner The following is an excerpt from Ashley Rogers Berner’s new book, Educational Pluralism and Democracy, Reprinted with permission from Harvard Education Press. The United States needs a new conversation about education. Few areas of American life have experienced more conflict of

“Law and Religion in the Secular Age” by Rafael Domingo

Law and Religion in the Secular Age Rafael Domingo The following is an excerpt from Rafael Domingo’s work titled, Law and Religion in the Secular Age. Reprinted here with permission from Catholic University of America Press (2023). Editorial Note: Page numbers in the text refer to the prior publication linked in the text. The Spiritual

“Law from Below: How the Thought of Francisco Suárez, SJ, Can Renew Contemporary Legal Engagement” by Elisabeth Rain Kincaid

Law from Below: How the Thought of Francisco Suárez, SJ, Can Renew Contemporary Legal EngagementElisabeth Rain Kincaid The following is an excerpt from Elisabeth Rain Kincaid’s new book, Law from Below: How the Thought of Francisco Suárez, SJ, Can Renew Contemporary Legal Engagement. Excerpted with permission from Georgetown University Press, 2024. Often in American civil