“A Votive Candle in the Tiny Chapel in the Middle of Our Nation” by Marguerite Spencer

US Center Chapel, located at the Geographic Center of the Lower 48 States in Lebanon, Kansas. From Jimmy Emerson, DVM (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0). During the Super Bowl, Jeep ran an ad that featured singer-songwriter Bruce Springsteen in a chapel. Not at a political rally, not at a demonstration, but in a tiny chapel in the

“The Chorister’s Tale: Religious Freedom Analogies in the COVID Pandemic” by M. Christian Green

Photo by David Beale on Unsplash. No one has heard a peep from this chorister in nearly a year. Trained in law, religion, and the law of religious freedom, there was a time early in the pandemic when I wondered whether the social distancing mandates being adopted by state and, in some cases, municipal governments

“Religious Freedom Cases During the Pandemic: Round II” by Michael J. Broyde

Photo by Trnava University on Unsplash. Three weeks ago, in the case of South Bay United Pentecostal Church v. Newsom, the United States Supreme Court stayed the enforcement of California’s occupancy limits on worship services during the pandemic. At some level, there is nothing new here, as the Court had done the same in a

“Section 230 and the Millstone” by Mark Edward Blankenship Jr.

Image by Hans from Pixabay. The millstone was an integral tool needed to grind grain to make bread and sustain life, and during Biblical times, it was deemed that taking someone’s millstone would be like taking his or her life in pledge. It has been analogized as an instrument of death, a wrath of severe

“America’s Constitutional Theology: Sovereignty and Grace In Bostock, Espinoza, and Our Lady of Guadalupe” by William E. Thro

Photo by Jorge Alcala on Unsplash. Constitutional Theology is the intersection of theology with constitutional theory. Constitutional Theology recognizes that the constitutional design will reflect society’s beliefs about the nature of humanity or those who rule. At the same time, it acknowledges that, if the constitutional system is to work, a faith’s interactions with the

Top Ten Most Read Articles of 2020

Photo by Min An. A selection of our most popular essays over the past year. You can browse all of our content here! “Decisions You Have Never Made Before: Medical Improvisations in a COVID ICU” by AnonymousApril 16, 2020 “Defiant Congregations in a Pandemic: Public Safety Precedes Religious Rights” by Robin Fretwell Wilson, Brian A. Smith, and

“Religious Tests, Religious Freedom, and ‘Animus’ and ‘Bigotry’ at the Supreme Court” by M. Christian Green

Photo by David Veksler on Unsplash This article is part of our “Notorious ACB: Law, Religion, and Justice Barrett’s Ascent to the Court” series.If you’d like to check out other articles in this series, click here. The No Religious Test Clause within Article VI, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution is a special text in

“Religious Freedom, Public Health, and the Limits of Law” by Elizabeth Shakman Hurd

Cathedral Basilica of St. James in Brooklyn, NY. Source: Jim Henderson / Wikimedia CC0-1.0 This article is part of our “Notorious ACB: Law, Religion, and Justice Barrett’s Ascent to the Court” series.If you’d like to check out other articles in this series, click here. The U.S. government designates certain entities as “religious” and enforces different rules

“QAnon as a Religion” by Annabelle Bichler

Photo from Pixabay On October 28, 2017, a post appeared on 4chan, an anonymous online message board, alleging Hillary Clinton’s imminent arrest and a subsequent violent national uprising. The poster, whose username was simply the letter “Q,” claimed to be a high-ranking government intelligence officer with access to classified information. Hillary Clinton was not arrested