Interactions Podcast

Interactions Podcast

The Interactions podcast, a podcast about the interactions between law and religion, is produced by the CSLR and distributed by Canopy Forum. New episodes now available.

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Masking Religious Freedom Violations

Masking Religious Freedom Violations

This symposium explores the complex and multifaceted nature of religious discrimination. Read new essays by various experts here.

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Ongoing Series

Ongoing Series

Our three latest series include essays on Transnational Christian Nationalism, IVF and ART, and a collaboration with the journal, Derecho en Sociedad. Explore our latest series by scholars around the globe.

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“Vermeule’s Society and Its Enemies” by Aaron J. Walayat

Photo by Giammarco Boscaro on Unsplash. When Harvard law professor Adrian Vermeule published his article “Beyond Originalism” in The Atlantic last year, his critics saw it as a moment of revelation. The legal right, after decades of hiding behind the mask of proceduralism, had finally reared its true, authoritarian face. Criticism of the article, however,

“Seeking a Sovereign for the End of Democracy: Monarchism and the Far Right” by Sarah Riccardi-Swartz

Photo by Angelina Kazakova on Unsplash. “Well, I personally think we should scrap the constitution,” current congressional candidate Michael Sisco proclaimed in December 2020 during an episode of his podcast The Michael Sisco Show. During that same episode, titled “The Republic is a Deception,” Sisco mentioned that he favors a form of Byzantine symphonia “where

“Disgust and Discrimination in Tehran” by Kristina Arriaga

Photo by Sajjad Ahmad on Unsplash. Offering a cup of tea to a stranger is universally viewed as an act of hospitality. Except if you are a Baha’i in Iran, where this kindness can result in torture, imprisonment, or death, both for the offeror and the recipient. The danger springs from the recent escalation of a government-led propaganda campaign meant to instigate

“The EU Needs an RFRA: The Leftovers of Religious Freedom in the Case Law of the Court of Justice” by Andrea Pin

Photo by Ebi Zandi on Unsplash. Recently, the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) passed a new ruling on the Muslim headscarf. That headscarves cause debate shouldn’t be a surprise. Four years ago, the CJEU dealt with the very same issue: private employers asking Muslim women to remove their headscarves and Muslim women claiming

“Moving Beyond Hypocrisy: Review of ‘At Home and Abroad'” by Jennifer Graber

Photo by Alex Vasey on Unsplash. This article is part of our “At Home and Abroad” series.If you’d like to check out other articles in this series, click here. In this volume about the politics of American religion, Shakman Hurd and Sullivan ask readers to consider the differences between “domestic versions of religion and religious freedom”

“Could Cohabitation Rights Solve the Issue of Unregistered Religious Marriages?” by Russell Sandberg

Could Cohabitation Rights Solve the Issue of Unregistered Religious Marriages? A Contextualizing and Summary of Religion and Marriage Law: The Need for Reform Russell Sandberg In my new book, Religion and Marriage Law: The Need for Reform, I argue that the law relating to marriage in England and Wales is outdated and leads to unfairness.

“Moses, Jesus, and Einstein and Those Who Hate Them” by Timothy P. Jackson

Moses, Jesus, and Einstein and Those Who Hate Them A Contextualizing and Summary of Mordecai Would Not Bow Down: Anti-Semitism, the Holocaust, and Christian Supersessionism Timothy P. Jackson Moses and Albert Einstein embodied a singular Judaic genius. Both men pointed out the intimate connection between realities typically considered separate if not adversarial, with Einstein doing

“Religion, Law, and the Redoubling of Ideas” by Colby Dickinson

Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash. I. According to their nature, ideas, as purely abstract concepts, are radical intrusions into material existence. They are that which drive us to re-examine and potentially upend our lives on the basis of wholly immaterial considerations. Though there may be both conscious and unconscious gains made for a person’s