“’No Idols In Our Town’: Competing for Religious Space in Kisumu, Kenya” by Esha Faki Mwinyihaji 

Photo of Kisumu Municipal Hall by (WT-fr) Omondi  (CC BY-SA 3.0) Kisumu is a cosmopolitan city that lies on the shores of Lake Victoria in Western Kenya. The city is inhabited by the majority Luo ethnic group and other Kenyan ethnic groups as well as Arabs and Asians East Africa who work in the city

“Limited Dominion in Early Modern Political Theologies” by Elisabeth Rain Kincaid and Matthew P. Cavedon

Image by David Vives from Pixabay. American politics have taken increasingly surprising turns in recent years. One of the more surprising of these has been the recovery of a nineteenth-century Catholic political theory known as integralism. Its proponents reject secular governance and free institutions (lower-case “l” liberalism) in favor of “political rule that must order

“Secularity, Dignity, and Human Rights: A Review of Human Rights in a Divided World by David Hollenbach, S.J.” by David Little

View from the Arc de Triomphe in France by Pierre Blaché (CC0 1.0.) In a definitive study of the origins, drafting, and intent of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Johannes Morsink calls attention to a deep, widespread division of opinion within religious communities toward human rights (285). He points out that representatives of most

“Religious Belief as an Existential Threat: How Russia Victimizes Religious Minorities in Russia and in the Occupied Territories of Ukraine” by Dr. Kyriaki Topidi

“Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks” by Ilya Repin (CC0) This article is part of our series on Transnational Christian Nationalism, and its impact on politics, the rule of law, and religious freedom. If you’d like to explore other articles in this series, click here. Russia counts more than 200 ethnic groups among its more than 140 million

Gender, Russian Orthodoxy, and the Invention of “Traditional” Values by Regina Elsner

Russian Orthodox Church, Rocklea, Russia by Bert Knot (CC 2.0) This article is part of our series on Transnational Christian Nationalism, and its impact on politics, the rule of law, and religious freedom. If you’d like to explore other articles in this series, click here. For many years, Russia has been known as one of the main

“Fraternity: The Long Lost Companion of Liberty and Equality in the United States” by Marguerite Hattouni Spencer

Image by Filip Filipović from Pixabay Our nation is at a crossroads. In light of our calcifying divisiveness in the United States of America, we are worried that our lively constitutional experiment may fail. To get our bearings, it might be helpful to reflect back on what the “land of the free” stands for and

“Good Vibes Only: The “Aloha Spirit” in Hawaiʻi Constitutional Interpretation” by Aaron Walayat

Image by Talpa from Pixabay In 2017, Christopher Wilson, a resident of Maui, Hawaiʻi, was charged by the state for possession of an unregistered pistol, a violation of state statute. He moved to dismiss the charges, arguing that the statutes unconstitutionally infringed on his right to keep and bear arms under both the Hawaiʻi Constitution

“Towards a Multidimensional Understanding of Places of Worship for Rights Balancing in Colombia” by John Osorio

Image by Neidy Girado from Pixabay (license). The following essay is reprinted and adapted on Canopy Forum in collaboration with the journal Derecho en Sociedad, a biannual electronic publication that is free and open access. Their issue 18(2) features full length articles in Spanish and English. Read Osorio’s long-form essay on places of worship in Colombia here. The following

“The Muslim Family Law Reform: Exploring Cross-National and Historical Differences” by Yüksel Sezgin

Illustration commissioned for this project by Tahira Rifath Fifty-three nations (35 Muslim-majority, 18 Muslim-minority) formally integrate shari‘a-based Muslim Family Laws (MFLs) into their domestic legal systems and enforce them through state-run (religious or civil) courts adjudicating familial disputes among their Muslim citizens. State-enforced MFLs often violate people’s fundamental rights and liberties. For example, in many

“Normative Development of Religious Freedom in Latin America: Counter-Transfer of Religious Policies” by Camila A. Sánchez Sandoval

Santuario de Las Lajas, Ipiales, Colombia by Diego Delso (CC BY-SA 4.0) The following essay is reprinted and adapted on Canopy Forum in collaboration with the journal Derecho en Sociedad, a biannual electronic publication that is free and open access. Their issue 18(2) features full length articles in Spanish and English. Read Sandoval’s long-form essay on Religious Freedom in