“Violence in Nigeria: discussion of the statistical evidence for the disproportionate targeting of Christians” by Dennis P. Petri & John Bainbridge

Makoko Lagos, Nigeria by Collins Okoh (CC BY-SA 4.0) A longstanding debate in the social sciences concerns whether violence in civil conflicts targets specific groups or is indiscriminate. Security scholar Stathis Kalyvas, in his 2006 seminal book The Logic of Violence in Civil War, argues that indiscriminate violence is less likely when actors have high

“St. Isidore of Seville Redux: Do Faith-Based Charter Schools Have a Future?” by Charles J. Russo

St. Isidore of Seville (1655) depicted by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (CC0). Introduction As I discussed previously, a controversy arose on June 5, 2023, when Oklahoma’s Statewide Virtual Charter School Board authorized the creation of St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School. Named after the patron saint of the internet, and intended to operate under the leadership of

“Teaching the Ten Commandments and Bible in Public Schools is about Race and History, Not Just the First Amendment” by Leslie Ribovich

Image of Ten Commandments outside of Stephens County Courthouse from WikiMedia (CC BY-SA 4.0). It’s already back to school time, and while students in Louisiana and Oklahoma may notice that the Ten Commandments and Bible are now in their classrooms and curricula, religion has always been part of the structure of public schools in the

“Promoting Diversity Through Court-Mandated Mediation” by Jo Chitlik

Photo of Supreme Court of Pakistan from Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 4.0). Pakistan’s Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Act (XX of 2017) represents a significant step towards increasing female participation within the legal sphere. With specific provisions on female representation in court-mandated mediation and ADR centers, this Act moves Pakistan towards a more inclusive and equitable legal

“The Illiberalism of Aleksandr Dugin: Romantic Anti-Capitalism, Occult-Fascism, and the War in Ukraine” by Thomas Jared Farmer

Photo of Aleksandr Dugin on Wikimedia by Mahdieh Gaforian (CC BY-SA 4.0). Alexandr Dugin is a Russian ultranationalist political theorist and television commentator. He currently serves as the head of the newly established “Ivan Ilyin Higher School of Politics” (HSP) at the Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH) in Moscow. In recent years, he has been

A Religious “Delaware”: Establishing a State Haven for Religious Corporations by Ian Speir

The Arrival of Pilgrim Fathers by Antonio Gisbert (Public Domain) Protections for the religious freedom and internal affairs of religious organizations are largely a matter of judge-made First Amendment law. While the Supreme Court has acted to protect institutional religious freedom in important cases, many American jurisdictions take a narrow view of this right and

“Holy Warheads: Russian Orthodox Christianity as Weaponized Culture” by Elaine Wilson

Main Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces Patriot on Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 4.0). In an interview at the beginning of 2024, the far-right Russian ideologue, Alexander Dugin, sought to justify Russian military aggression as a mission of redemption. In fact, he likened Russia’s so-called “special military operation” to the Passion of Christ. He said, “Our

“Religious Exemptions and Retaliation under Title IX” by Constance Couch

Photo on Wikimedia by EOverbey (CC BY-SA 3.0). In 2013, Jane Doe 6 was a residential student at Liberty University, the country’s largest Baptist Christian university. One night, her boyfriend invited her to his house, gave her two glasses of wine, and she immediately became immobile from a date rape drug he put in her

Reflecting on State Cooperation with Religion in Europe by Silvia Meseguer Velasco

Image of European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France on Wikimedia by CherryX (CC BY-SA 3.0). The following essay reflects on the monograph, Cooperación del Estado con la religión en Europa, written in Spanish by Silva Meseguer Velasco. The work is part of the Roots of Law collection of the Aranzadi publishing house, directed